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Malfadore Facts & Histroy

(Things are still being updated and worked on so this won't be a giant wall of text.)

Located in the Antrepide galaxy, which is a barred spiral, Malfadore is in the system of Anthrass. Towards the inner rim of the galaxy, not exactly near the core, the Anthrass system consists of 5 rocky planets all orbiting twin yellow suns. The system and planets are recorded to be around 40+ trillion years old.



Malfadore is one of the largest planet in the system with a total of five moons: Zexus, Sullius III, Sullius V, Leesta Prime, and Exolt. Before space travel came to be for the planet, all five moons were named Sullius I-V because the people thought those moons as dead and uninhabitable for life. Eventually, once the technology was made, a select few traveled to one of the moons, Sullius I, and came into contact with intelligent alien life known as Exoltens. Ever since then, the humans of Malfadore and the Exoltens of the newly named moon, Exolt, teamed together to further expand their technology at a rapid pace, traveling to the other moons first before the planets. Two more moons had breathable oxygen and thriving life, so they were renamed. Meanwhile Sullius III and V were just chunks of dead, lifeless rocks. Those two dead moons are now used mostly for storage. Sullius II was renamed to Zexus. Even though it looked and felt dead, it still held some form of life to it by means of having breathable air, some creatures, and plant life. Sullius IV was renamed as Leesta Prime. This moon was just a forest moon with barely any creature life, so it was decided to be used as a place to train those in military or armada forces.



As a planet, Malfadore has been thriving with life, magic, and color for trillions of years. Magic is what defines Malfadore as it can be used to help improve technology, weaponry, and even the simpler things in life. There are certain terms used to define those who are able to use magic. 

Magic Born is the term to describe the humans or alien species who are born directly into magic. They can start using their type of magic at a very young age and they barely need to be taught the basics for it comes naturally to them. One or both parents must be able to use magic or are Magic Borns themselves in order for their child to be one. But it is possible for the child to not be a Magic Born but instead, a Teachable. If both parents are Magic Borns of different types, the child can only use one type of magic, though they can learn very few other the other type. 

A Teachable are the humans and alien species who’d genetic code can grant them the ability to learn only one form of magic, but they aren’t directly born into it. Unlike Magic Borns, Teachables can’t use the full potential of that magic. This would usually come to be if only one parent is a Magic Born, both parents are Magic Borns but aren’t that strong in their magic, or both parents are Teachables themselves. 

Now a Novel are the humans and alien species who’s genetic code fails to process any form of magic. This means they lack the ability to be taught the magic they want, no matter if they end up getting the spells 100% correct. Novels are the ones who usually fall victim for certain harmful spells since they have no way to defend themselves against it.

So those are the three terms commonly used to describe the people who use magic, and now there are the different types of magic that cam be used.

The most common form of magic for anyone to have are the Elemental types. It can be the most easiest to learn to the Teachable since it’s such a common form of magic. There are four types of elements used: Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. One Magic Born of this kind can only hold the power of a single element, with the rare occasion of learning a few spells of one other. Elemental magic doesn’t necessarily mean having control of all surrounding elements by means of moving the earth or controlling the movement of water. There are spells that can allow the users to manipulate that element to an extent. The spells used for this type requires the user to have a clear mindset on what they want in order for it to work. If the spell fails, it is needed for the element to recover for a full 15 minutes before the same spell can be tried again. There is a fine balance of Magic Borns and Teachables who hold the ability to hold this type of magic. It is also rumored that a fifth unknown Elemental magic type can be found but only to those whose souls are pure enough and their will to learn it is high. Because of this rumor, there are church gatherings of Magic Born Elementals who are in search of this fifth element.

Another common type of magic is Sprite magic, not to be confused with Spiritual. Although Sprite magic is a more difficult form of magic to master, it is still a fairly common magic to see. It’s mostly Magic Borns that hold this ability, but only a select few spells can be taught to those Teachables. Only Magic Borns can see all the sprites that are native to the planet that are invisible to those not of this type. Each user of this type has their own personal sprite that follows them around and they can generate that sprite for everyone without this magic to see. When old enough, the personal sprites can also protect it’s user from dangerous toxins or if other kinds of magic are used against them. These sprites can get damaged from protecting it’s user and could vanish from even their sight until it fully heals itself. And since the sprites are soul bonded with it’s user, too much damage could eventually lead the sprite to whither and die, which ends up leaving it’s user weak and unable to preform the stronger spells. Another term for these sprites are called fairies since most of them are so small.

Mind magic, or more said as Illusion magic, is another commonly used and easy to learn magic types for Teachables. This kind is mostly used for show business, allowing those who use it to share their own contorted mind spells to an audience. There’s no real spells to use for this, though the user must have a clear image in their head in order for their illusion to work properly. Once that image falters, the magic is faded for about 30 minutes before the user is able to create another trick. Mind magic can also be used for harmful and evil things if the user hold bad intentions. If strong enough in their illusions, the user can create different nightmares for each person and can inevitably drive them insane or could even cause death. This particular way to use Mind magic is very frowned upon and can give the user some jail time and potentially get their magic stripped away from them.

The last common type of magic are simply known as Witch magic, and those who use it respectively earned the names of Witch or Warlock. Only those Magic Borns of this type are able to preform the spells. Witches are known to be cunning and untrustworthy to those without this kind of magic, but there is the rare occasion of befriending a Witch when both are young children. This form of magic has the combined use of spells and potion-making to create something used only by the user of this magic. Though some Witches has drastically altered their spells, potions, and trinkets so that Teachables and other Magic Borns of different types are able to use Witch magic. But if they use the unaltered spells, it can cause serious harm to the user who are not Witches. The spells used need to be spoken in a certain language called Witch-Speak to others. The Witches are commonly known to do three things: enchant objects, make hex bags, and transform a person, animal, or object into whatever they desire. Mostly these are used for personal reasons. At times, there will be large gatherings, called a Coven, of Witches and Warlocks to share each others magic, ideas, or knowledge of what happens in the outside world. On rare occasions, the Coven would combine their magic to create a new and powerful spell.

Now Spiritual magic is a very rare type for a Magic Born to have and even rarer to learn by a Teachable. The user of this magic type is mostly known to be silent for most of their lives, only speaking if in dire need to. The purpose of their silence is for them to listen in on those wandering and lost souls around them. Very few Magic Borns of this type are able to see, listen to, and speak with those lost souls most times to keep those souls from becoming angered poltergeists and also to try helping the souls move on from this world onto the next. All Spiritual type Magic Borns possess the ability to calm someone down when touched, though this can be draining to the user if used for too long or for too much. Some spells require written symbols and phrases to be said, but in order to make any kind of spell to take effect, the user must put their heart, soul, and deep feelings into it and must be completely focused, Certain spells can allow a certain spirit to appear before the living for only a short amount of time, and others can have the user go into the Spirit Realm, or even Purgatory, to find or talk to a lost soul. Spiritual Magic Borns are very hard to come into contact with because none of them carry a type of phone or any devices on them, for they say the electrical EMF currencies hinder their senses and abilities to use their magic.

Alchemy is the most extremely rare type of magic to come by, for it was said to be a dead and lost type that no one can even learn if found. Thought to be nonexistent at all, it is a very ancient form of magic native to only Magic Borns. Teachables don’t even come close to learning this form of magic. Alchemy is similar to Spiritual magic in ways of putting the users heart, soul, and deep feelings into certain spells. Meditation and patience is required to achieve a clear mindset for the Magic Borns to even come close to using their spells. This magic also requires the user to speak, understand, and write the Alchemic language fluently in order for any spell to work since certain spells will need specific kinds of symbols to be drawn. A good amount of these spells are used for attack and defense purposes depending on the user. Alchemy itself hold a lot of history behind it since it is technically a dead magic type. Alchemy was said to have been once a single type serving together in a large temple, but after some unknown start to a war, the magic was then split into Light and Dark Alchemy. Magic Borns of both types served their lives in their own separate temple hidden to the world so they can use their magic in peace. Those Dark Alchemists use their spells to preform rituals of sacrifice and darkness in worship of a greater being known as Shadow. Then there’s the Light Alchemists who use the spells rarely to preform rituals of any kind, but can be used to bring life and greatness to something or someone, all while serving under their greater being known as Guardian. In current times, the only evidence of there ever being an Alchemy magic type are really ancient books, found in abandoned temples, that were written in the unknown Alchemic language along with ritualistic symbols and spells. To this day, those books have been untouched from all humans and aliens for no one could even translate them. Only a single human, Professor Dural, has been able to fully read and understand what those books say, and it is because of him that the term Alchemy is known as a magic type. 

*Other Terms*


Other than the magic, Malfadore has some other terms that should be recognized for easier understanding. Terms like Portal Hoppers, Mutants, Transmorphics, Mimics, and Blinkos are commonly used to describe certain residents on the planet. 

Portal Hoppers is the only term of the few that directly involves the use of magic. Magic Born humans and other species tend to be the only ones who holds this particular title. Whenever natural portals newly form on the planet, the Professor of science sends out a certain team of Magic Borns to go through those mysterious portals and collect various information about where that portal ends up taking them. Before this special team leave through these natural portals, they are all taught a certain magic spell that allows them to create temporary portals. These portals end up being the average size of the person who preformed the spell. The reason why it’s called temporary portals is exactly that. The longest they stay open is around a minute long, or if these portals are made for a quick get away, it can be manually closed only by the one who created it, whether they jump through or not. Since this is a special team hand picked by the Chancellor and the Professor, only a rare select few know the spell to creating these portals and hold the title of Portal Hoppers.

Now Mutants can sometimes, but rarely, get confused with use of magic, though everything they’re able to do relies on genetics. The basic understanding of this term is when there are either slight or major genetic mutations in the DNA found mostly through humans. It doesn’t matter if the parents are Mutants or not for their child to gain a genetic mutation of any kind. The slightest mutation for someone to get could be heterochromia (two different colored eyes), though when it comes to the more major mutations, it can come to a large number of things. Mutants with the major mutations tend to gain unnatural powers that they can control. Some examples of these powers include, but not limited to, the abilities to make and control fire, using their mind to levitate objects, reading minds of others, teleportation, and super speed. The powers they’re able to have are limitless, and because of this, they strike fear in other residence that they might use their powers to overthrow the government or the planet if combined. In the past, these Mutants were used as slaves to the richer residence of the planet, putting power restraints on them so not to lash out. But eventually marking them as slaves became forbidden and Mutants were then seen as common as any other Magic Born or human. The government allowed the use of Mutants into the army so they could put those marvelous powers of their to good use. Another thing to know, Mutants could also be a Magic Born or Teachable if one or both parents are strong enough with their magic.

Aside from Mutants, Transmorphics is another form of genetic mutation but handled more relaxed with the residence and government. Transmorphics are mainly in humans but can very rarely happen in other species. This form of genetic mutation is similar to that of Mutants, but instead of having unnatural powers, they have the ability to transform into a single form of animal or creature, but only one. That means if someone can transform into a Striped-Tailed Fox, they cannot turn into any other type of fox or creature. Their genetic code only allows them to turn into one specific thing. It is said that the animals these Transmorphics can turn into are what identifies as their spirit animal and, according to myth, are granted a special soul to even be able to transform into it. Transmorphics can also be good use for military reasons as they can turn into their creature and spy on the enemy team, having them think that it’s just another wild animal. It is said that on extremely rare occasions, there would be a further mutation when their human body can actually hold physical traits of their animal without having the need to turn fully into it; mostly within the eyes and teeth. 

Mimics can easily be confused with the Transmorphics as both involve transformation, but the main difference is Mimics can change their physical looks of a human or other species. They’re mostly said to be another alien species on their own, trying to blend in with the society of Malfadore, but because Mimics constantly change their appearance, no one has been able to see what their original body would look like, as well as keeping pronouns to They/Them. It is unsure if this is a type of genetic mutation or just a type of magical ability they possess, but they usually fall victim to being captured and sold to traders as their ability to change appearance can be used to commit crimes, blaming the person they change to. They could also be used as a military tactic to infiltrate enemy lines and gather knowledge of their next move. But normally Mimics are gentle beings, not wanting to do any harm or frame anyone of crimes, so they all usually hide away in plain sight. But there is one who made themselves very well known as a famous signer and performance artist: Valkyrie Vixen. They use their transforming ability as a way to be able to preform many different songs with many different vocals. Since Mimics can turn into any human or species, they can take the ability of whoever they choose to be. So if that person is a Magic Born of some kind, they take that magic to use for themselves. Same goes for if they’re a Transmorphic or a Mutant.

So aside from those, Blinkos are another type of genetic mutation but is extremely rare to come by. Mostly in humans, Blinkos can be spotted easily due to their very pale features. The mutations cause their bodies to become very small, thin, and fragile. As well as their hair color being either white or silver colored and their eyes to be a very unnaturally bright and rare color. This unnatural coloration of their eyes normally gives them very poor vision but never total blindness, but it is possible to undergo a type of surgery to still keep those rare eyes but be able to see perfectly without any visual aids. Because of Blinkos being very pale and having poor vision, they can be very sensitive to sunlight and can have heightened sense of hearing. But not all Blinkos have those two extra traits since those two traits are another extremely rare thing for even Blinkos to have. They also tend to be in the Novel category, unable to learn or obtain any form of magical ability.

Other than Blinkos and Mimics, all Portal Hoppers, Mutants, and Transmorphics can cross mutations with each other. That means that there could be a Magic Born who could also be a Transmorphic. Or a Portal Hopper who is also a Mutant or Mimic. Though a combination of a Mutant and Transmorphic is very uncommon to spot but not impossible. 



Since Malfadore  is a large and diverse planet, the people living there follow many different religions, but the most common one is called Faith of Statera. The followers of this type of religion has them worshipping three god-like spirits each representing a form of Purity, Darkness, and Balance. Each one is said to be over 30 to 60 trillion years old, but almost none have ever seen them physically.

The Sprit of Purity, otherwise known as Guardian, is the light of the three spirits. Being known as the ruler of Sanctuary, Guardian leads the purest of souls up to have a protected ‘new life’ once their bodies die. It is said she has a very nurturing and life giving personality and attitude towards everyone. If told, she could be able to keep someone alive, if they’re currently on the brink of death, until they are in a stable enough condition to leave alone. Usually these people she’s told to keep alive are the pure souls who will eventually end up in Sanctuary or is needed alive for future events to come. It is also said that deer-like creature, Rifters, are tied with Guardian in some way. If a Rifter is spotted, Guardian is apparently close by, and if the creature guides you to a certain location, you are blessed with a pure soul and will eventually be needed by Guardian herself. She also has many angels and arch angels, which are seen are her personal followers, who help her keep Sanctuary and other life in order.

Next is the Spirit of Darkness, who is better known as Shadow. He is obviously the dark of the three spirits. Being the sole ruler of the Underworld, Shadow is never specific with his souls as those who have done bad and evil things during life are taken down to be tormented for a certain amount of time. It’s said that time down in the Underworld is extended than time on the surface, meaning a single year on the surface can go on for 100 years in the Underworld. Shadow has a stern and take charge kind of attitude towards everyone, where he just doesn’t want to admit to being wrong about certain things. As Guardian has her Rifter, Shadow has his Zelion. Zelions aren’t necessarily tied in with Shadow, but because those creatures are the deadliest to ever come across on Malfadore, people have connected them with the ruler of the Underworld and is told to stay far away from them. He has his own personal followers who became his own demons. 

The last one is the Spirit of Balance, who is known as Keeper. He is the one who adopted Shadow and Guardian and keeps the balance between the two, for without him, there could potentially be an endless war. Keeper isn’t really a neutral spirit, but he has a good hearted and caring attitude towards others. He has no single realm to rule over for his main purpose is to maintain balance, but he is known to be residing on a hidden planet and can even more powerful than the initial two. Unlike Shadow and Guardian, Keeper has no creature that is tied to him in any way, but instead has messengers who can carry out his words to the people who worship the three spirits. It's said that there are temple guardians who are completely loyal to only the Keeper. They are claimed to be some of the most deadliest, yet merciful, warriors in the entire universe and will protect those in need whenever they're able. Though said to be only found in a temple on the hidden planet along with Keeper, legends say that they can very rarely be seen on the surface of Malfadore.

These three spirits are part of the most commonly believed religion on Malfadore. Most might worship and pray to them very often while others just acknowledge their existence and thinks heavy use of magic is involved. Those who have Spiritual Magic are one of the only ones who can prove their existence. They claim that Guardian has a pure bright white soul, Shadow has a soul of pure void-like darkness, and Keeper has a bright blue soul.

There are, of course, those atheist out there who don’t believe in any gods or god-like spirits. No matter how much proof are given, they still won’t believe. There’s also those who are aware of the religions and gods, but choose not to practice it, but they’ll still accept that it’s real. Because Malfadore is consisted of humans and many other species, not all believe in a single religion. The other species have their own gods or god-like spirits to follow while some humans stray off the common human beliefs onto whatever they feel is right to them.

*Common Myths & Legends*


There are many different types of myths and legends that the people of Malfadore believe in, even other species can be dragged into believing some of these, too. These are usually the result of many theories and stories based off of little to no evidence or records of it actually existing in the first place.

This first myth is one of the most common myths that almost everyone believes in. It involves the two creatures of Rifters and Zelions. For those who believe in the Faith of Statera, they believe that the Rifters are connected to Guardian and the Zelions are connected to Shadow. But almost all of Malfadore believe the myth that these two creatures was once a single, balanced creature since the beginning of Malfadore’s formation. The only evidence to prove this slightly are old skeletal fossils of an unknown creature. Upon further testing of the fossil, records state to have a very faint detection of mixed DNA of a Rifter and Zelion. Since there is no fully complete skeleton that was ever found, this theory of the two creatures merged into one has become nothing but a myth. But there are those who state that if you go deep enough into the largest forest on the planet, you’ll be able to spot one of these ancient merged creatures.

Following this myth is a legend revolving around Guardian and Shadow. Those who don’t believe them as gods see them through this legend. It is said that long ago, in ancient history, when Alchemy was a common form of magic, there were two Alchemists who did the impossible. Legend states that in these ancient Alchemy books kept locked up in the libraries, holds a story of two Alchemists who’s names are unknown. These two, a pure blood Alchemist Magic Born and an Alchemist Teachable, were lovers and grew powerful and united together. Eventually, rivalry started between the two as they started focusing on different forms of Alchemy. The pure blood practiced more sinister and death-like spells, starting the Dark Alchemists, while the Teachable practiced more purity and life-giving spells, starting the Light Alchemists. They soon discovered spells that made them immortal and take the names as Shadow of Darkness and Guardian of Light. And ever since they became immortal beings, it is said they destroyed all forms of Alchemy magic all together, which is why it’s such an extremely rare type of magic to even come by. The only reason this legend is spreading around is because of the ancient Alchemy books that were found.

There are other legendary figures and species that are told through stories. One legendary species are simply called Scarecrow Variants. The stories told about them is that they’re common scarecrows used for simple farming, but a powerful type of magic spell brought them to life and gave them magical abilities of their own. Not much is known about them and not much evidence is provided to try making this legend true. The only thing found are long pieces of unnaturally colored straw that, through testing, were found with traces of raw magic inside. Myths have stated that other Magic Borns with enough power somehow managed to inject pure magic into straws of hay, but the more famous legend focuses more on spells that somehow gave scarecrows life. One other myth surrounding the Scarecrow Variants is that they’re an entirely different form of alien life that was never discovered but somehow managed to arrive on Malfadore. There are many stories on visual sightings of these magical Scarecrow Variants, but none of them are recorded or have a high enough recording quality to make it true.

Another faint myth going around is a forgotten magic type that can be learned. Nothing like the ancient truths of Alchemy, this magic type is called Necromancy; where the Magic Born studies and preforms spells involving death and reanimation of recently dead things which included plants, animals, and even humans and other species. Not much is known about this type of magic for it is said to mostly focus within the Gilltharian species and planet, but can be found on rare occasions on Malfadore. Myth states that in order to be a Necromancer, you would need to practically be undead in order for most or all magical spells to work. The only evidence to follow this myth are random dead patches found in gardens, graveyards, are parks. Those dead patches are said to be where the Necromancers appear to perform their spells. No one knows what one looks like because no one knows what to look for, whether it be a Gilltharian, human, or other species, but theories point out that they would look like death or a zombie walking around.

*Other Facts*


Malfadore is known as the only planet in the system that have occurrences of natural portals. These portals could randomly appear without warning in a random spot anywhere on the planet. One could open in either a desert, a large field, forests, are on rare occasions, within someone’s home. And sometimes these portals aren’t discovered until years later, but once they are, that’s when the special team of Portal Hoppers come into play. The portals always lead to a different planet throughout the universe so once the info is collected from it, the portals on Malfadore gets labeled with the planets name, location, and important info to know about. Scientists are currently trying to mimic the properties of these portals so they can move them onto one of the dead moons or neighboring dead planet to be used as an international planet exchange. The sole purpose for this is to clear Malfadore of overcrowding portals as well as allow all planets with the natural portals to easily exchange and trade certain goods and materials with each other, as a form of attempting peace throughout the universe. So far there’s no luck with recreating the portals to be permanent, but Malfadore’s government are trying to reach out with the other planets to try making this planetary exchange theory come into play.

There is an island on Malfadore that is completely remote where the air is 100% clean of all pollution and it’s the most naturally formed island on the planet. The government are trying to preserve this island to keep it pollution free, so they made it that the only way to properly get there is an electric boat. That boat then stops 30 miles out from shore when they drop old fashioned sail and row boats to carry you the rest of the way to the island. This island is mostly used as a nature preserve or a vacation/retirement spot. There are many new and unique animal species that can only be found on this island and all together, it is proven to be the most peaceful island on the planet. Certain magic spells are forbidden to be used anywhere on or around the island for fear that the magic residue might scar the atmosphere. But other natural and peaceful type magic can still be used. 

Malipus City is the main capital city of Malfadore where all the action takes place. This city is home to the planet’s Supreme Chancellor, it’s Senators, Professor of Science, and where most planetary communication takes place. Within the heart of the city, there are two extremely tall towers that are connected to each other via a few sky bridges. The taller of the two is dedicated as the science building where the current Professor (who is Dural) go to work along with other talented scientists of all kinds. Under the Professor’s instructions, the first tower is used to create and build new machinery and inventions to improve the technology on Malfadore. Now the second, smaller tower serves as both a medical and universal communication center. The medical part of the tower is mostly to treat the scientists in the larger tower in case they fall victim to a failed test and the injury requires immediate attention. Usually Professor Dural is the one keeping the medical section of that tower active since it’s just a small section. The rest of the second tower acts as the communication center to all neighboring planets and systems across the universe that are in their record base. High end communication experts work in that center to schedule meetings with senators or representatives of the planets, as well as granting other species citizenship if they want to permanently live on Malfadore. 

Because Malipus City is the capital, a lot of events and festivals take place throughout the large city. One event that happens a single night every ten years is called Zuku-Heli, which is a loosely translated Alchemic term for Rise of Death or Spirit Night. This night happens all around the planet but it most populated in the city center. Zuku-Heli is a night when spiritual energy is at it’s highest and the veil between life and death is at it’s thinest. Paranormal occurrences happen more frequently and wandering souls could be seen faintly by even those who aren’t Spiritual Magic Borns. But those who are, experience very powerful energy surges where they can perform many difficult spells very easily. Though not confirmed, it is said that during the hours of Zuku-Heli, Shadow, along with Death himself and his demons rise up to cause more havoc and use the free time on the surface to claim all the souls that made demon deals or if they’re just on the list of those needed to die. To cover up for that theory of Shadow and the demons, they put into place that other criminals or maybe violent poltergeists cause the havoc and deaths of others.

On a lighter note, the most famous festival to happen in the center of Malipus City is simply called a Magic Festival. This is a yearly, outdoor, event where most professional Magic Borns, humans or other species, come to gather together for a few days to share their magic with everyone. There are venders who sell particular magic books, spell ingredients, and other items that may be rare to come by on Malfadore, but could be common on a different planet. As well as the venders, there are training booths of each type of magic for the young Magic Born or Teachables so they can practice some of their skills and potentially learn new spells. Since this festival goes on for about four full days going through the weekend, there could be live music performances, firework and magic displays, and Q&A panels featuring high grade professional Magic Borns from all different planets. because this is one of the largest festivals on the planet, it isn’t restricted to just Malfadore citizens, so species from all over travel from their home world just to take part and participate in the Magic Festival. 

*System Planets & Facts*


The first planet orbiting closest to the twin suns, obviously the hottest and smallest out of the five, is named Kesper. With the nickname of Lava Land, it’s nearly impossible for humans or other species not native to the planet to even step foot on the surface without burning up. They would need to wear super protective gear to regulate the temperatures. Kesper, in fact, does have a native species who spends most of their lives underground until the planet reaches an orbit cycle where it’s cool enough for them to venture to the surface to find a life partner. Even during this cooling cycle, it’s still way too hot for anyone else to step foot on the surface. The only reason why others would want to go to Kesper in the first place is because the red soil and rocks covering the surface can be used as a great material for certain objects. 

The second planet, tons cooler and larger than that of Kesper, is called Levex. This planet combined it’s technological help from Malfadore and it’s elegance into a stunningly beautiful sight to see. It uses it’s natural resources of magical pearls to help fully form the elegance and beauty in the manmade structures and buildings. The natives of this planet are a bird-like species dedicated to fashion and expressing their feathers in an elegant way. The Levexians, what the natives are called, use their fashion senses to create other fashionable items to be sold on Malfadore. These items consist of dresses, suits, jewelry, shoes, and other accessories. The natural pearls that are formed through the seas of Levex can be infused with pure, raw magic and can be very powerful if held by a Magic Born. So because of the potential dangers of these pearls, the people of Levex have restricted humans and other magic involved species to get a hold of them, but the Levexians only granted access to the pearls to Malfadore’s government and scientists so they can use those pearls to help with machinery and potentially add elegance to their own structures. Though not as diverse as Malfadore is when it comes to species, certain parts of Levex are seen as tour sights which attracts many different species to it. 

The third planet is a bit smaller than Levex but not by much, has the name of Gillthary. This planet is almost the exact opposite of Levex in terms of technology use and elegance. Gillthary is very traditional in it’s ways and doesn’t like using outside technology. The whole planet is similar in looks to what the forests are on Malfadore; flat lands, occasional hills and caves, lots of trees, flowers, and animal species. The natives, Gilltharians, are a tribe based species where each tribe is based off a certain characteristic. Each tribe could be focused on it’s strength, endurance, magic, nature, peacefulness, tattoo markings, and modernization, and like any normal tribe, they must have a chief to lead them. It’s uncommon to come across a Gilltharian who speaks fluent in English since almost all of it’s species speaks a similar Gillthary language that differs slightly by tribe. The natives like to keep mostly to themselves but they’ll allow only small ships to come land on certain parts of the planet and gather the resources they need. It’s also more common than others think to find a Gilltharian vacationing or even living fully on Malfadore.

The fourth planet is, of course, Malfadore. Being the largest of the five, it’s mostly water but it has a giant, connected landmass with a few large islands. This is the most populated planet consisting mostly of humans, but it has a large variety of many different species. Divided in two regions, Malfadore is a mix of natural landscapes and a vast array of technology. The northern region hold most of the technology while the southern is very natural with many forests. This planet is used as a main base of communications and even with military in the system and other neighboring systems and galaxies. 

The fifth and final planet is named Shellgine. This planet is smaller than Malfadore but larger than Gillthary, it is an all forest planet filled with extremely tall trees. It’s actually very difficult to navigate a ship directly down to the grassy surface of the planet due to the dense leaves and branches of the large trees. The natives of this planet, Shellgions, are all extremely friendly by nature and are almost insect based fit with wings, two sets of arms, and antennas, but they also live a longer life than humans do. Another insect related thing for Shellgions is the fact they have a certain time of the year dedicated as a mating season. They’ll fly out and find a potential mate after the first 18 years of their lives, though they are not obligated to stick with only one mate for they have a choice to leave the first mate and search for another. The females can also lay eggs ranging between 4 and 12 at a time. Shellgine, as a planet, utilizes the nature and trees to it’s extent by having it’s structures, homes, and bridges built on and inside the tall, thick trees and branches. This planet is also home to one of the largest library in the galaxy which holds records and histories of all discovered planets, including written fictional novels for entertainment purposes. The Shellgions love to collaborate and provide help to those planets who need it, but they mostly spend their resources helping Malfadore and it’s government. Just like Levex, Shellgine’s vast beauty of nature peaks the interests of many different species to visit and are given tours and are even offered small homes to live in for vacation if wanted.

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