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Alchemy Magic Information

(Things are still being updated and worked on so this won't be a giant wall of text.)

Alchemy is an extremely ancient form of magic, dating back to trillions of years old, that uses symbols and transmutation circles to preform different type of spells. 

§+First Borns+§


Dianori ~>

<~ Azoth

§+Ancient Ones+§

§+Spirit Names+§

There is a ritual that all Alchemists go through when they are of age in order to obtain their Spirit Names. The Alchemist who is to obtain their Spirit Name is to sit in the center of a special transmutation circle with each circle point on the edge to have a lit candle placed. This ritual requires at least 2 Alchemists to make it work. One, or more, is to sit outside of the circle and keep the focus and chant going, which helps stabilize the center and allows them to stay in the vail. The second, main focus, are to sit in the center of the circle and at a given time, is required to speak a certain phrase which allows them to enter the vail. Their bodies are left in a paralyzed state while their soul travels to the unknown space between life and death that the Alchemists call ‘The Vail’. No one knows what the vail truly looks like for it is a different experience for each Alchemist. It could be a white or black room, somewhere within the temple, or anywhere else either on Malfadore or on another planet. Once in the vail, the one in search of their Spirit Names would encounter two to five elder souls. These souls are known and the Ancient Ones for they once lived when Alchemy magic was first spreading through the land. Though it is rare to encounter more than 5 souls, very few were recorded to encounter around 10 different souls. Even said that among those souls were the two First Borns of Alchemy, though that was left as a rumor. When the Alchemist encounters these souls, the spirits would converse with the Alchemist and list possibilities of who and what this Alchemist would become and what their personality says they will be. Eventually the souls agree on a term that perfectly describes and defines who the Alchemist is as a person. Once they tell the Alchemist this name, they are snapped back to the plain of reality in their body, with their brand new Spirit Name which will stick with them forever. Though not all Alchemists are able to complete this ritual with their spirit name on the first try. In fact it is quite rare to achieve it on the first go. There is no shame in trying the ritual again after having a week to recover from the failed attempt. No matter how many tries it takes, the Alchemist will eventually receive their Spirit Name.

These names are given to all Alchemists which are used to define who they are as a person and who they will eventually become. Although these names are just terms rather than actual names, they are the most important aspect of an Alchemist. Some Spirit Names are common to receive while others are more rare and unique. Each Spirit Name comes with their own unique symbol that the Alchemist would have pinned or sewed onto their clothing that they wear around the temple. Some of the more well known common names consists of Strength, Power, Leader, Wisdom, and Vision. One of the rarest name to get is SoulStar. Then there are the three names that are so extremely rare that they where only given once to a single Alchemist and never to any others. Those names are Shadow, Guardian, and Hybrid.




SN - Strength.png
SN - Power.png
SN - Wisdom.png




SN - Leader.png
SN - Vision.png
SN - SoulStar.png




SN - Shadow.png
SN - Guardian.png
SN - Hybrid.png

§+Spirit Flowers+§

These flowers are only obtained through the use of a certain spell. Any Alchemist can perform this spell without the need of a transmutation circle, though they will need complete focus they whole way through performing this spell. Spirit Flowers is an easy way to figure out what color the users soul and magic aura is, as well as to figure out what type of soul they have within themselves. Not only can the Alchemist perform the spell on themselves, but they can also do the spell on other Alchemists and even those who have no connection to magic at all. This is more of a display and information type of magic and can do no harm and have no effect on the world or people around it. Though it will leave the Alchemist who performed it to be quite low on energy afterwards the longer they do the spell. When the Alchemists performs the spell, either on themselves or others, they’ll need to follow a sequence of arm and hand motions as well as saying a quick three word phrase, ending their motion with both hands clasped together in front of themselves. After a moment of silence, which is used to solidify and finish the spell, the Alchemist would remove only their hand on top without moving the hand on the bottom. If done successfully, there should be the small Spirit Flower standing in the center of the bottom hand. This spell is one of the more easiest type of spells an Alchemists can do and is used as a beginner type of spell for teaching purposes. 

The flowers themselves will all vary depending on who the spell is performed on. But all flowers follow the same qualities on what they are. They are made out of pure magical energy which will glow the color of the Alchemists’ (or other focus’) soul and their magic aura if they are Magic Borns. Since souls and magic auras hold the same colors, the flower should glow only that one color. Now the type of soul they have can be figured out by what type of flower they have. The more pure of heart and peaceful type of souls would have the more beautiful and exotic types of flowers. While the souls who are more corrupted and even demonic would have flowers which will be withering away or extremely poisonous types. Although these Spirit Flowers show off the color and type of soul they have, it does not necessarily define who they are and who they will become, like their Spirit Names. There are moments where an Alchemist produce a rather poisonous flower, meaning a more dark or corrupted type of soul, but their Spirit Names are that of Strength or Wisdom. Although the single Alchemist who bares the Spirit Name of Hybrid would produce a Spirit Flower unlike anyone else. Because their soul and magic aura are opposite colors and do not match, and the type of soul they have is very unique, they will produce not one, but two conjoined flowers of different types. With one flower having the color of their soul and the other having the color of their magic aura. And the way the flowers look would be a complete mix of flower types, almost ‘glitching’ into each other. 

SF - Zella.png
SF - Cretra.png
SF- Cavalia.png
SF - Prince.png
SF - Chad.png
SF- Guardian.png
SF - Keeper.png
SF - Jocasta.png
SF - Shadow.png
SF - Dural.png

§+Soul Bonding+§

§+Shadow Hounds/Hell Hounds

§+Tools of Trade+§


†+Transmutation Circles+†



§+Light Alchemist+§

§+Dark Alchemist+§

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